Blue recycling bin.

Embrace a More Sustainable Lifestyle in Fort Worth

Sustainability is more than just a buzz word, it’s a way of life! There are a lot of benefits to practicing sustainability. Some of them come from the knowledge that you’re doing your part to help the environment. But a bigger benefit is the money it can save you in your utility bill every month!

In this blog post, we’re going to go over some best practices for being sustainable in Fort Worth. This includes the proper way to recycle, some popular recycling programs in the city, and some general homeowner tips for decreasing your energy bill.

If you have any questions about sustainability in Fort Worth, or any other part of life here, please give us a call! We’d love to chat with you about our favorite city.

In the meantime, let’s dive in to sustainability!

Recycling How-To’s in Fort Worth

Stack of newspapersIt’s important to recycle, both for the environment and for your overall quality of life. However, it’s even more important to recycle correctly, especially in a city as large as Fort Worth.

There’s a lot of information on the Fort Worth official website, but we’ll break it down for you here.

This is a list of things that you should recycle, always. When you recycle, be sure to thoroughly rinse our empty containers and dry them before putting them in the blue cart.

  • Cans (including soda cans, canned food, canned pet food, etc.)
  • Paper and cardboard
  • Junk mail
  • Metal and plastic lids
  • Magazines and catalogs
  • Telephone books
  • Glass containers
  • Plastic (takeout containers, empty bottles, etc.) with the recycling symbol

What shouldn’t you recycle? Plastic bags do not go into the blue recycling carts. These can be recycled at specific drop off stations, and even in the grocery store where they came from.

You also should not put electronics, hoses, wires, clothing, or garbage in the recycling carts. Styrofoam and pizza boxes are two other items that can’t be recycled.

Other Ways to Be Sustainable in Fort Worth

In addition to recycling, there are many other ways to practice a more sustainable lifestyle! This could include biking to work (if you live close enough) or carpooling with coworkers to decrease the number of vehicles on the road.

Conserving your water by turning off automatic sprinklers and cutting your showers shorter are two easy ways to cut down on your water intake. Doing these will also decrease your water bill at the end of the month!

Tips for a “Greener” Household

Tap with water dribbling into the sink.Who wouldn’t love to save a few extra bucks on utilities every month? There are dozens of incredibly easy ways you can decrease your energy bills every month.

  • Wash clothes in cold water
  • Install a programmable thermostat
  • Close blinds on sunny days during the summer to keep out the hot sun (this will keep your home cooler so you won’t have to crank the A.C.!)
  • Upgrade to energy efficient lightbulbs
  • Clean or change air filters regularly
  • Turn off all lights, appliances, and electronics when not in use. Alternatively, turn off the power strip these things are all plugged into!
  • Use low-flow faucets and shower heads.

Practice Sustainability in Fort Worth!

It’s all about living that Fort Worth lifestyle! It’s not as hard as you think to add a little sustainability to your life. Plus, the environment will thank you!

Let us know if you need any additional resources or information about living your best life in Fort Worth. We can also connect you to real estate resources like home-search tools, neighborhood market pages , and more. We’re always here to help.

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